With the new kit changes and all the available listings we have for kits and mini-kits each month, we thought we'd share a breakdown of each listing includes. We hope this helps make your shopping experience easier and that you can pick the stickers customized to your planning needs!
Let's start with the basics first. Each month, we release 5 new kits. The first two kits will have a SKU that start with KIT-###. These are full kits. This means that there will be monthly kit listings, budget kit listings, and weekly kit listings. The last three kits are mini-kits. They have a SKU that starts with MK-###. These kit listings feature our weekly kit options, but DO NOT have monthly kit listings or budget kit listings.
Now that we have that broken down, let's take a closer look at the full kit listings you will find in the storefront each month.
Monthly Options / Listings:
Listing KIT-### H Erin Condren 7x9
Dropdown options include:
H-1 EC 7x9 monthly
H-2 EC 7x9 sheet 2
H-3 EC 7x9 dashboard
H-4A Lined DB insert
H-4B Habit DB insert
H-5 Perpetual Calendar
(*Pro Tip: If you're an Erin Condren 7x9 user and are looking for the monthly kit option for a specific kit, search the kit number followed by H and the listing will come up. IE: search "KIT-511 H" and the listing outlined above will come show up for KIT-511).
Listing KIT-### I Erin Condren A5 Monthly
Dropdown options include:
I-1 EC A5 ring agenda monthly
I-2 EC A5 coil monthly
I-3 EC A5 coil monthly sheet 2
I-4 EC A5 dashboard
I-5A DB insert lined
I-5B DB insert habit
I-6 EC A5 Perpetual Calendar
Listing KIT-### J Plum Paper Monthly
Dropdown options include:
J-1 Plum Paper 7x9 monthly
J-2 Plum 7x9 sheet 2
J-3 Plum 7x9 dashboard
J-4 Plum 7x9 dashboard
Listing KIT-### K A5 Plum Paper Monthly
Dropdown options include:
K-1 Plum A5 monthly
K-2 Plum A5 sheet 2
K-3 Plum A5 dashboard
K-4 Plum A5 perpetual calendar
Budget Listings
Now that we've covered the monthly kit options, let's look at budgeting listings. Remember, just like our monthly kit listings, these listings are only available for full kits starting with KIT-### (and NOT for any mini-kit or MK-### listings).
Listing KIT-### 7x9 Budget
B-1 budget
B-2 check-in
B-3 debt tracker
B-4 sinking funds
B-5 Spending tracker
B-6 bill due Log
B-7 savings tracker
B-8 transaction Log
Listing KIT-### A5 Budget
B-9 A5 budget
B-10 A5 check-in
B-11 A5 debt tracker
B-12 A5 sinking funds
B-13 A5 spending tracker
B-14 A5 bill due log
B-15 A5 savings tracker
B-16 A5 transaction log
Weekly Kit Options / Listings
Now that we've taken a look at the full kit options, we will dive into weekly kit options. Weekly kits are available in both our full kit (KIT-###) and mini-kits (MK-###)
Listing KIT-### Weekly
A- full boxes
B- washi strips
C- sampler
D- EC hourly checklist and labels
E- EC vertical checklist and labels
F- EC horizontal checklist and labels
G- functional label sheet
You'll notice that these kits are specific to Erin Condren. If you have an Erin Condren planner, make sure you choose the correct checklist alignment for your planner in dropdown D, E or F. We'd also like to encourage you to try our weekly kit sheets in just about any 7x9 planner; they work well with a variety of weekly planners on the market!
Listing KIT-### Ad-Ons
A01- EC strip headers
A02- individual headers
A03- brush stroke headers
A04- thick washi
A05- thin washi
A06- doodles
A07- script days and dots
A08- bw icons
A09- mixed scripts
AO10- ombre checklists
AO11- stackable sidebar
AO12- appointment labels
AO13- basic labels
AO-14 - budget labels
AO-15- dash labels
AO-16 pattern labels
A0-17 dash scallops
AO-18 mini time labels
AO-19 large color scripts
Just like our weekly kits, we encourage you to try our add-ons in a variety of your planners. They are not planner specific and therefore work well in most planners.
Daily Duo Listings
PlannerKate offers both full kit and mini kit options for both the A5 Erin Condren Daily Duo and the 7x9 Daily Duo.
Listing KIT-### K A5
Dropdown options include:
A5-1 EC A5 headers
A5-2 EC A5 checklists and top boxes
A5-3 EC A5 timed labels
A5-4 EC A5 two tone labels
A5-5 EC A5 bottom boxes
A5-6 EC A5 bottom boxes and scripts
A5-7 EC A5 week at a glance
Listing KIT-### DD (7x9 Daily Duo)
Drop down listings include:
DD-1 headers
DD-2 checklists and labels
DD-3 timed labels
DD-4 two tone labels
DD-5 bottom boxes
DD-6 7th bottom box, scripts and arrows
DD-7 week at a glance
Specialty Planner Options/Listings
There are several popular planners on the market that we offer kits for! The hobonichi A5 cousin, the hobonichi weeks, the Erin Condren compact vertical planner, as well as our own "create your own" 7x9 compact vertical planner are all featured listings. If you are using any of the planners listed here, we'd recommend checking out the listings for your planner of choice.
Hobonichi A5 Cousin
KIT-### M
M-1 hobo cousin monthly
M-2 hobo cousin weekly 1
M-3 hobo cousin weekly 2
You'll notice the monthly kits (M-1) for this specialty planner is listed with the weekly sheets (M-2 and M-3). If you're using the hobonichi cousin, pick up these 3 sheets and you'll be set!
Hobonichi Weeks
KIT-### M
M-4 hobo weeks monthly
M-5 hobo weeks weekly
Just like our hobonichi cousin listings, you're monthly sheet for the kit is the first dropdown and the weekly kit is the next dropdown.
Erin Condren A5 Compact Vertical LifePlanner
When Erin Condren launched their brand new layout for 2022-2023, we knew you'd need PlannerKate stickers to use! Here are the weekly kits we offer for the Erin Condren A5 Compact Vertical planner. (*pro-tip: Order the I-2 and I-3 listings outlined in the beginning of this blogpost for a monthly kit that will fit your A5 (coiled) Compact Vertical LifePlanner).
KIT-### CV EC A5
CV-1 A5 CV sampler
CV-2 basic dash labels
CV-3 two tone appointment labels
CV-4A BB insert to do / habit
CV-4B BB insert to do
CV-4C BB insert lined
CV-4D BB insert week / habit
If you love the layout of the Erin Condren A5 Compact Vertical LifePlanner, but need more room, we recommend making your OWN layout with our Create Your Own 7x9 planner stickers. You can use the listings here and add our other specialty sheets in just about any 7x9 notebook to create your own planner!
KIT-### CV 7x9
CV-5 7x9 CV sampler
CV-6 basic dash labels
CV-7 2 tone appointment labels
CV-8A BB insert to do / habit
CV-8B BB insert to do
CV-8C BB insert lined
CV-8D BB insert week/habit
Extra Coordinating Sheets / Listings
We also have 2 extra listings that you'll find for each kit and mini-kit listing; the *NEW* journaling sheets and a notes companion and week at a glance (option 2) sheet.
We were so excited to launch journaling sheets this year to coordinate with our weekly and monthly kits. We've seen these sheets being used in a variety of planners already!
Journaling Kits
P-1 journaling sheet one
P-2 journaling sheet two
We've also brought back our notes companion page and a second week at a glance option! The notes companion sheet can be used in your monthly notes page or in your Daily Duo notes page for each week. Of course, you can use these stickers in your weekly spread, too!
We also wanted to offer you another week at a glance option. For those of you who prefer a more minimal weekly overview, this new layout offers plenty of blank space for maximum planning room.
Notes Companion & Week at a Glance
L-1 A5 week at a glance option 2
L-2 7x9 week at a glance option 2
L-3 notes companion page
Wrap Up
PHEW! That's a LOT of listings! We know that having so many options can be overwhelming BUT we hope that with all the individual listings we offer that you can find just the right combination of sheets that works for your planning style!
If you want to see a visual and side by side comparison and walk through of all the listings above, we recommend watching Jennifer's YouTube video over at www.youtube.com/happyplaceplanning. She walks through each listing and each individual sheet in this video:
Freebie Cheat Sheet Download
We recommend printing out this page and marking your favorites; this will make shopping new kits each month a snap! The printable is available in 8.5 x 11, 7x9 and A5 size so that you can print it out and place it in your planner, if you wish.
Giveaway Details
If you've made it this far, you'll be excited to know that we are giving away some of these listing bundles over on the PlannerKate Facebook group! Make sure you join our group and watch for the giveaways with one of our beautiful March kits!